The Hexagon 120° Angle

Hexagon Center Presence

When Hexagon Center is in your vicinity, you will be able to get a range of in-person services that will not only increase your online security but also help you better utilize technology.

Hexagon Center Mission
Offering a host of services to help people with technology and protect everyone online.
HX Weekly - your cybersecurity newsletter.

A cybersecurity newsletter with everyone in mind.

HX Weekly is published and emailed every week on Saturday. To subscribe, simply enter your email and click "subscribe".

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Publishes at the end of every Friday.

Contact Hexagon Center

For media, donors and general inquiries:


858 863 6324
We Are


Made Easy
A Cybersecurity Labeling Program

Security in Internet-Connected Devices

As more and more homes are getting smarter and smarter faster and faster everyday, Hexagon Center's role exapands into helping you with the smart gadgets around your homes and offices. Of course, security in these devices is paramount when using them.

White House statement on the release of U.S. Cyber Trust Mark:

This new labeling program would help provide Americans with greater assurances about the cybersecurity of the products they use and rely on in their everyday lives. It would also be beneficial for businesses, as it would help differentiate trustworthy products in the marketplace.



(330) 439-2466

Working together toward a safer cyber world

Since everyone is part of the community, we are here for the community to keep us all safe in the cyberspace.

Wherever you work, whatever you have, we want to help remind you to always be vigilant whenever you are online.

Hexagon Center is a hub where everyone can converge to get help with cyber and technology security. We are also constantly learning new things so that we can better share our skills and knowledge with you.

Technology permeates our society in ways unimaginable. It has and will continue to greatly benefit humanity. However, nefarious bad actors have always wanted to be in on the game too. And they are.

When you come to us for help with any technology, we will also show you how to use it safely. From phones and computers to cars and TVs, if there are ways to help you make it safer for you use them, we will be on it!

Cybersecurity is our main focus. But ultimately, you are the best cybersecurity software that any of your devices can have. We are here to help you practice good cyber hygiene and remind you to always be careful online.

Part of cybersecurity is have accurate and up-to-date information that is relevant to you. Hexagon Center stives to provide you the resouces that we believe will do that for you. We are also here to help you manage any problems you might have online. (Like, never pay ransom.)

Let us know when you get too many unsolicited mailers or if you got too many spam calls. Don't let the spam turn into a scam.

A service provided is a user protected.

More about Hexagon Center

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Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field, and threats may evolve. While Hexagon Center strives to provide accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee absolute security. Users are responsible for implementing their security measures and staying informed about the latest cybersecurity developments.